Attend Nova Frontier’s Upcoming Workshop
The Essentials Of Making Your First Short Film — Get Ready For A Spectacular Take off!
Do you have a passion for cinema, a burning desire to become a fledgling filmmaker, write and direct your first or second short film, get feedback about your script from other filmmakers and peers, gain confidence in rehearsing and directing actors on set, develop skills and language to articulate your story, gain an understanding of the (pre and post) production stages of a film, creating a lookbook, script-breakdown, script analysis, storyboard, lab mentorship, or a director looking for a refresher before embarking on a feature? Then this workshop is for you. The short film form allows for expressive freedom and aesthetic exploration unbounded by the often more traditional expectation of feature films. Making a short film will not only introduce you to the essential skills of filmmaking, but It can also be a “Calling Card” and launching pad to showcase and develop your talents and skills, and also an entry to a career in the film industry.
This hands-on immersive filmmaking workshop is a creative laboratory of experimentation, play, and discoveries, specifically geared towards those who no longer want to just talk about making a film, but actually be empowered with new tools, clarity of vision, inspiration, support from the lab and new peers to actualize their vision. The objective of this workshop is to give participants a broad understanding of the whole filmmaking process as possible — from story, script development right through to the finished film, and the Film Festival Circuit. The workshop consists of lectures, scene studies and directing scenes from your script, hands on rehearsal in casting, directing, shooting scenes from your script, role play, improv, and critical feedback from tutors and participants in fine-tuning your concept and story structure to help resolve any creative issues to move your project forward. There will be ample time for Q&A and mentorship support.
information coming soon on next workshop.